
My phone has suddenly been broken down last night before I was going to sleep.


It is Samsung Galaxy S ll and it's been used for almost 4 years now.


I didn't know what to do last night, because there are all my contact numbers, memoes, photoes, all schedules and diaries.


I was sad that I lost everything at once. 


That's why I don't like digital. It is convenient when we use it, but once it has a problem occurred, that's it.

Everything disappearred at once.


I didn't expect that my phone is "dead" that suddenly so all my contact number has gone! :'(





By the way, I have had my Galaxy S ll with my husband, who has same contract with me.


He is a very careful man, who has seems never broken anything entire his life.


My phone has not functioned well last few days like Home key had to press twice or when I played a game,


the scene suddenly stopped, whereas my husband one was totally brand new, no scratch marks and all 

mobile functions were well.



I thought if I tell by husband he is gonna get angry why mine has been broken already, I was afraid.


However, when I visited to the mobile shop, called Vodafone, the staff there said that our contract has been expired almost 2 years ago so we can get a better phone with similar price!!    





That's it! That's what I wanted it~!!





I straight go to my husband, saying "It's time for change our mobile phone, Yeobo!"


I was so excited that we could have new one for not charging much money!


He listened what I had said carefully and said that we could go and change them.





So here is the result.


Yes! this is my new phone!


We both have Galaxy S4 with few dollars less than we pays now!


Added to that, the mobile cover, which looks like a book, was my husband's beloved style.


He has searched it for many years for former phone but we couldn't find them here.






Inside the cover is like this.

I can put my transport card or a bank card and driver's licence in.

How convenience cover we have!






My husband loves black color electronic gadgets so does the cover .


Mine looks like orange color but it is bright red with dark blue. I love it too!




I was shocked last night but in 24 hours, I am happier again~ 





'다이어리 > 영어일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

At the end of autumn...  (2) 2015.05.21

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